Neutrinoless double-β decay and the challenge it poses for nuclear physics

10 May 2024, 16:20


01 - 分会报告 03 - 中微子理论 03 - 中微子理论


长峰 焦 (中山大学)


In this talk, I will demonstrate the impact from nuclear structural aspects on the 0νββ matrix element calculations. Especially, I will outline recent works on neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay nuclear matrix elements by using the Hamiltonian-based generator coordinate method, which enables the treatment of collective and non-collective correlations on the same footing. In addition, I will discuss some strengths and weaknesses and give a prospectus for future improvements.

Collaboration (if any) Jiangming Yao, Jonathan Engel

Primary author

长峰 焦 (中山大学)

Presentation materials