The neutral scalars to Dark matter under the LHC

9 May 2024, 15:40


01 - 分会报告 01 - 暗物质理论 01 - 暗物质理论


伟 苏 (中山大学)


The 2HDM+S is the singlet extension of 2HDM, which can accommodate more physics potential beyond the SM. We summarize the type II 2HDM+S model with various Higgs potential structures, and discuss several scenarios with different mass hierarchy. In this study, we concentrate on the mass eigenstate of the 2HDM+S, and test the parameter space of Higgs mixing angles and masses against the experimental constraints, including 125 GeV Higgs measurements, BSM Higgs direct searches, $STU$ and $B$-physics observables. In particular, we study the exotic channels of $h_{125}\rightarrow A_S A_S$ and $h_{125}\rightarrow h_S h_S$ decays for the light singlet-like Higgs scenarios $m_{h_S/A_S} < 62.5$ GeV, and determine the limit of Higgs mixing angles. Furthermore, we study the phenomenological distinction between 2HDM+S and 2HDM, and explore the indirect impact of the singlet admixture on the parameter space of $\cos(\beta-\alpha_1)$, $\tan\beta$ and $m_A$.

Primary author

伟 苏 (中山大学)

Presentation materials