01 - 暗物质理论
- Ningqiang Song (Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
01 - 暗物质理论
- Lei Wu (NNU)
Axions, or in general axion-like particles, are popular dark matter candidates. They could form Bose-Einstein condensate in our universe. In this talk, I will discuss two different types of condensates: axion stars and black-hole superradiantaxion clouds. These condensates could emit radio-frequency photons as well as gravitational waves. The unique signatures of these signals will also be discussed.
A population of wide-separation binary star systems can be susceptible to small-scale gravitational perturbations, including those from dark matter. Bosonic stars are spatially extended objects that can not be treated as point particles. I will talk about a complete and analytic treatment for tidal disruption with a potential composed of randomly distributed diffuse objects, and then discuss...
引力波的发现打开了人类探索宇宙的新窗口。报告将探讨利用引力波观测来进行暗物质的寻找和探测。重点介绍两类暗物质候选者,WIMP 和 超轻暗物质。前者可以在黑洞周围形成暗物质尖峰,通过动力学摩擦效应影响旋进致密天体的运动,从而改变系统所辐射的引力波波形,有望被空间引力波实验所观测。超轻暗物质可以直接和探测器相互作用,影响探测信号,也能通过引力波实验来探测。
The 2HDM+S is the singlet extension of 2HDM, which can accommodate more physics potential beyond the SM. We summarize the type II 2HDM+S model with various Higgs potential structures, and discuss several scenarios with different mass hierarchy. In this study, we concentrate on the mass eigenstate of the 2HDM+S, and test the parameter space of Higgs mixing angles and masses against the...
If the terrestrial environment is permeated by dark matter, the levitation experiences damping forces and fluctuations attributed to dark matter. This paper investigates levitodynamics with multiple stochastic forces, including thermal drag, photon recoil, feedback, etc., assuming that all of these forces adhere to the fluctuation-dissipation theorem. The ratio of total damping to the...
In this talk, we will discuss theories of Majoron, we show that the Majoron mass may arise from the canonical seesaw mechanisms. Direct detection signals of these dark matter as well as its connection to the baryon asymmetry of the universe are also discussed
QCD axion dark matter and the cosmic dipole problem
This study explores a minimal renormalizable dark matter (DM) model, incorporating a sub-GeV Majorana DM and a singlet scalar particle $\phi$. Using scalar and pseudo-scalar interactions (couplings $c_s$ and $c_p$), we investigate implications for DM detection, considering $s$-wave, $p$-wave, and combined ($s$+$p$ wave) contributions in DM annihilation cross-section, as well as loop-correction...