03 - 中微子理论
- 玉峰 李
03 - 中微子理论
- 鹏巍 赵
Starting from LR symmetric model, one identifies corresponding SMEFT operators and subsequently LEFT operators, these operators are then used to construct the neutrino mediated long-range neutrinoless double beta decay process. With the S-matrix theory, we derive the decay width and recover the expressions obtained from a direct model calculation. These results are compared with the widely...
We investigate the possibility of neutrinoless double beta decay $( 0 \nu \beta\beta)$ and leptogenesis within a low-scale seesaw mechanism with additional sterile neutrinos. The general effective field theory (EFT) considerations suggest that if there are experimentally observable signatures in $0 \nu \beta \beta$-decay and the lepton asymmetry generated by the right-handed neutrinos, the...
The detection of ultrahigh energy neutrinos not only provides a way to understand cosmic ray accelerators but also opens up a portal to study fundamental particle physics, both within and beyond the Standard Model. In this talk, I will start by discussing the implications of the Glashow resonance event recently observed by IceCube. Then, I will move on to the forthcoming observations of...
In this talk, I will demonstrate the impact from nuclear structural aspects on the 0νββ matrix element calculations. Especially, I will outline recent works on neutrinoless double-beta (0νββ) decay nuclear matrix elements by using the Hamiltonian-based generator coordinate method, which enables the treatment of collective and non-collective correlations on the same footing. In addition, I will...
Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEνNS) is a standard model (SM) process that has been observed by the COHERENT experiment in recently years.The observation of CEνNS also opens a new window to probe new physics beyond the SM at low energies. In this talk, I will discuss several studies of searching for new physics at CEvNS experiments, which includes the measurement of low energy...
Nuclear matrix elements (NME) are a crucial input for the interpretation of neutrinoless double beta decay data. We consider a representative set of recent NME calculations from different methods and investigate the impact on the present bound on the effective Majorana mass mββ by performing a combined analysis of the available data as well as on the sensitivity reach of future projects. The...