Since the experimental discovery of neutrinos in 1956, liquid scintillator detectors have played a central role in neutrino physics, often boasting very broad physics programs in a single experiment. Complications arise in constructing these large detectors, since the target scintillation region must be shielded from photomultiplier tubes due to their intrinsic radioactivity. Acrylic or nylon barriers are traditionally used to achieve this; however, their construction becomes increasingly difficult and expensive at the kiloton scale. Radioactivity in the barriers also leads to cuts in the fiducial volume, significantly reducing a detector's target mass. The Stratified Liquid Plane Scintillator detector (SLIPS) represents an alternative geometric construction for the next generation of large-scale liquid scintillator detectors, avoiding physical barriers entirely by instead using layers of lipophobic liquids. A 20-kiloton detector design is presented, demonstrating that SLIPS expects to achieve highly efficient light collection while employing far fewer PMTs than that used in traditional spherical detectors.
Iwan Morton-Blake于2013至2017年在都柏林圣三一大学获得学士学位,随后在2021年取得牛津大学博士学位。Morton-Blake在上海交通大学李政道研究所担任博士后研究员。他的研究专长涵盖大规模MeV级中微子探测、探测器设计以及高能中微子望远镜。Morton-Blake在中微子探测技术方面取得了重要成就,特别是在液闪探测器的设计和应用方面。他参与了多个重要的中微子实验项目,包括SNO+合作组的研究。他还在TRIDENT项目中通过提高类电子中微子事件的角度分辨率来发现多个天文中微子源并探测全味中微子物理。
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