
Neutrino Detection Beyond Transparency

by Dr Anatael Cabrera (法国IJCLab)

105 (刘卿楼)





For several decades, radiation detection has been vital to humanity, forming the experimental foundation of much of our understanding of the Universe. Most light-based detection technologies, such as scintillation and Cherenkov radiation, rely on a fundamental principle: the medium's impeccable transparency, enabling detection with only a handful of photons. This requirement becomes especially critical in large instrumented volumes, such as those used in neutrino physics. While these technologies have achieved significant success, including Nobel Prize-winning discoveries, they are constrained by notable limitations, even in their mature form. In particular, event-wise particle identification is rare and often impractical. As a result, experiments rely on cumbersome and costly shielding, such as deep underground laboratories, to mitigate overwhelming cosmic-ray backgrounds.

In this seminar, I will introduce the innovative LiquidO technology, which uniquely utilises light detection in “opaque” media, which has also pioneered the notion of opaque scintillation. LiquidO enables event-wise imaging of subatomic particles, allowing event topology and fast timing to facilitate particle identification even at energies as low as a fraction of one MeV. I will conclude with highlights from the first LiquidO-based experiments, including the AntiMatterOTech (EU-EIC & UKRI) and CLOUD projects, as well as the prospects for the SuperChooz initiative. 



Anatael Cabrera在粒子物理学领域,特别是在中微子科学研究方面享有盛誉。自2001年以来,他一直致力于中微子科学的研究,并在这一领域积累了丰富的知识和经验。Cabrera博士毕业于牛津大学,先后在法国高等师范学院和APC实验室担任博士后和研究员,参与了著名的Double Chooz实验。作为Marie Curie Fellow,他在APC实验室进一步深化了对中微子物理的研究。自2007年起,Cabrera博士作为法国国家科学研究中心(CNRS)的科学家,在巴黎的APC实验室、奥尔赛的LAL实验室以及IJCLab实验室任职。Cabrera博士在多个国际合作项目中扮演了核心角色,包括SuperChooz、CLOUD/AntiMatter OTech、LPET OTech以及LiquidO技术。他在Double Chooz实验中担任发言人和物理协调员,对实验的成功做出重要贡献。他在JUNO实验中负责双量能器设计和小PMT系统协调工作。


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