基于国内地下和空间粒子物理与宇宙物理前沿研究的大背景,我们发起召开第二届地下和空间粒子物理与宇宙物理前沿问题研讨会(Symposium on frontiers of underground and space particle physics and cosmophysics)。希望通过本次会议,研讨国内地下和空间粒子物理与宇宙物理理论和实验研究的现状和未来规划,推动我国相关领域的研究进一步走向国际前沿,产生更多国际先进水平的成果,促进我国地下和空间粒子物理与宇宙物理前沿研究不断创新发展。
吴岳良(共同主席) 中国科学院大学
程建平(共同主席) 北京师范大学
马余刚 复旦大学
王 青 清华大学
王贻芳 中国科学院高能物理研究所
汲培文 国家自然科学基金委员会
沈文庆 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所
张焕乔 中国原子能科学研究院
张肇西 中国科学院理论物理研究所
陈和生 中国科学院高能物理研究所
李 金 中国科学院高能物理研究所
罗民兴 北京计算科学研究中心
赵政国 中国科学技术大学
赵红卫 中国科学院近代物理研究所
柳卫平 中国原子能科学研究院
高原宁 北京大学
常 进 中国科学院国家天文台
康克军 清华大学
蔡荣根 中国科学院理论物理研究所
周宇峰 中国科学院理论物理研究所、引力波太极实验室
岳 骞 清华大学
耿朝强 国科大杭州高等研究院、国际理论物理中心-亚太地区
马永亮 国科大杭州高等研究院、国际理论物理中心-亚太地区
宋宁强 中国科学院理论物理研究所
周也铃 国科大杭州高等研究院
杨丽桃 清华大学
Searching for dark photon dark matter with radio telescopes
I will discuss emerging ideas in resonant haloscope searches for axionic dark matter. Axion like particles, like those from string orgin, have a very broad mass range and can lie outside the optimal range for a traditional EM resonance cavity design. Front-end narrow band frequency selection can be provided via electronic resonances that provide the necessary high Q quality factor for a via haloscope setup. Using the electric field as the axion-photon conversion medium is also proposed as a promising design, with unique features such as time and directional modulation, avoidance of laboratory magnetic field exposure, etc.
The coherent oscillation of ultralight dark matter can induces changes in gravitational potential with the frequency in the nanohertz range. This effect is known to produce a monochromatic signal in the pulsar timing residuals. Here we discuss a multifield scenario that produces a wide spectrum of frequencies, such that the ultralight particle oscillation can mimic the pulsar timing signal of stochastic common spectrum process. We discuss how ultralight dark matter with various spins produces such a wide band spectrum on pulsar timing residuals and perform the Bayesian analysis to constrain the parameters. It turns out that the stochastic background detected by NANOGrav can be associated with a wideband ultralight dark matter.
The first evidence of reactor antineutrinos in pure water is achieved in the SNO+ water Cherenkov detector. The nuclear reactors are at least 240 km away. The finding provides the possibility of monitoring the reactors using neutrino detectors with non-toxic, easy-handling and inexpensive material, and extending the research ranges of water Cherenkov detectors.
本研究被PRL选为Featured in physics和Editors' suggestion亮点论文。这项成果受到了广泛的国际关注,Altmetric-因子为150左右。
MicroBooNE is an accelerator neutrino experiment located at Fermilab, utilizing the liquid argon time projection chamber technology. The first search for a sterile neutrino is recently carried out in the MicroBooNE experiment with the 3+1 (three flavors of active neutrino + one flavor of sterile neutrino) framework. The result of this search is built upon the high-performance neutrino event selections using Wire-Cell reconstruction at MicroBooNE. Cancellation between electron neutrino disappearance and muon neutrino to electron neutrino appearance oscillations leads to a degeneracy when determining the oscillation parameters, which is proposed in this analysis and will be addressed by future analyses. In this talk, I will report the first MicroBooNE’s sterile neutrino oscillation search.
PandaX-4T实验致力于搜索潜在的暗物质-普通物质相互作用。通过分析技术改进,我们在液氙探测器的低阈值区域实现了前所未有的灵敏度,提供了观测太阳中微子的新窗口。通过对试运行数据的分析,得出了世界最好的太阳B8中微子与核相干弹性散射以及3-9 GeV/c2的暗物质与核子相互作用的限制结果。这些结果表明了PandaX-4T作为多物理目标探测器搜寻中微子和暗物质的潜力。
Light millicharged particles can be copiously produced from meson decays in cosmic ray collisions with the atmosphere, leading to detectable signals in large underground neutrino detectors. In this paper we study a new channel to produce millicharged particles in the atmosphere, the proton bremsstrahlung process. We find that the proton bremsstrahlung channel can produce a much larger flux of millicharged particles than the previously studied meson decay channel, resulting in an improvement on the SuperK limit by nearly one order of magnitude. Consequently, SuperK can probe new parameter space beyond the current leading limits from ArgoNeuT. We further note that the study on the proton bremsstrahlung process can be extended to other atmospherically produced light particles, and to millicharged particle searches in proton accelerators.
Celestial bodies are well motivated laboratories for dark matter searches. As an example, dark matter may scatter multiple times in the Earth and get trapped by the Earth's gravitational potential. These dark matter could subsequently annihilate into Standard Model particles and heat the Earth. Taking advantage of Monte-Carlo simulations with detailed analytical computations, we obtain improved bounds on dark matter for both spin-dependent and spin-independent interactions.
A dark matter with a large mass splitting can evade traditional virialized DM direct detection.
In this study, we connect the concept of cosmic-ray accelerated DM in our Milky Way and the direct detection of inelastic scattering in underground detectors to explore spectra that result from several interaction types of the inelastic DM. We find that the mass splitting δ < O(1 GeV) can still be reachable for cosmic ray accelerated DM with mass range 1 MeV < mχ1 < 100 GeV and sub-GeV light mediator using the latest PandaX-4T data, even though we conservatively use the astrophysical parameter (effective length) Deff = 1 kpc.
Dark Matter is an important direction for pursuing physics beyond the Standard Model. There are already various experiments searching for the Dark Matter. However, for the Freeze-In Dark Matter, due to the extremely tiny coupling between the dark matter and SM particles, there will be no sensitivity for the DM experiments. On the other hand, we actually have no direct evidence for the evolution of the Universe before BBN/CMB. This provides the possibility that we can add an early matter dominant era, which will also change the accumulation of the Freeze-In dark matter. We investigate such case in a neutrino portal dark matter model, and find that in order to overcome the faster expansion during the EMD as well as the dilution induced from the entropy production, larger coupling between DM and the SM particles is needed which also leads to detectable signal in DM experiments.
We report the search results of light dark matter through its interactions with shell electrons and nuclei, using the commissioning data from the PandaX-4T liquid xenon detector. Low energy events are selected to have an ionization-only signal between 60 to 200 photoelectrons, corresponding to a mean nuclear recoil energy from 0.77 to 2.54 keV and electronic recoil energy from 0.07 to 0.23 keV.
With an effective exposure of 0.55 tonne$\cdot$year, we set the most stringent limits within a mass range from 40 $\rm{MeV/c^2}$ to 10 $\rm{GeV/c^2}$ for point-like dark matter-electron interaction, 100 MeV/c$^2$ to 10 GeV/c$^2$ for dark matter-electron interaction via a light mediator, and 3.2 to 4 $\rm{GeV/c^2}$ for dark matter-nucleon spin-independent interaction. For DM interaction with electrons, our limits are closing in on the parameter space predicted by the freeze-in and freeze-out mechanisms in the early Universe.
直接探测实验长期的搜寻至今没有发现WIMP暗物质信号,对GeV/$c^2$以下质量区间的轻质量暗物质的探测逐渐成为暗物质研究的热点。CDEX合作组利用在中国锦屏地下实验室(CJPL)运行的CDEX-10实验205 kg·day曝光量数据,通过两种新近提出的轻质量暗物质与核子的相互作用方式:费米子暗物质-核子中性流吸收反应($\chi+N\to N+\nu$)和暗物质-核子3→2非弹性散射反应($\chi+\chi+N\to N+\phi$)对轻质量奇异暗物质进行进行搜寻。搜寻结果将对暗物质核子反应截面的限制推进到了10 MeV/$c^2$左右的轻质量区间,给出了当前直接探测实验已发表结果中对最低质量暗物质反应截面的限制。
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) uses a 20,000-ton liquid scintillator detector to study various aspects of neutrino physics, including the study of neutrinos from supernovae. Thanks to JUNO's large target mass and low energy threshold, it can observe supernova and pre-supernova neutrinos through multiple reaction channels with high statistics. For example, in a typical supernova explosion at a distance of 10 kiloparsecs, JUNO can detect about 5000 inverse beta decay (IBD) events, 2000 proton elastic scattering (pES) events, 300 electron elastic scattering (eES) events, and several other reaction channels, enabling JUNO to obtain the energy spectrum information of all neutrino flavors. Studies using Monte Carlo simulations have shown that a model-independent method combining multiple reaction channels can reconstruct the energy spectra of all supernova neutrino flavors well. JUNO's ability to detect a large number of supernova neutrino events and pre-supernova neutrinos also gives it great potential in supernova early warning. Currently, a supernova early warning system based on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) and data acquisition systems (DAQs) is under development, and simulation studies have been conducted to investigate the sensitivity of the warning system and the direction reconstruction after the warning. This report will present the design and sensitivity of JUNO's supernova early warning system, as well as related studies on the reconstruction of the energy spectra of all neutrino flavors.
I will present the results of the background simulations for the NvDEx experiment. The main sources of background are gamma's and fast neutrons from natural radioactivity as well as cosmogenic-induced activation of nuclei in the materials of the detector.
Gamma's coming from the decay of radioactive contaminations in the materials of the detector will be the main source of background, however the high Q-value of $^{82}$Se (~3 MeV) puts our Region of Interest above the energy range of most of them, allowing us to reach a very low background rate. Fast neutrons can activate nuclei directly inside the fiducial volume, the most dangerous isotope that can be created is $^{20}$F (Q-value ~ 7 MeV): using HDPE shielding it is possible to reduce this background to be lower than gamma's. Even if the cosmogenic activation at CJPL will be negligible, unstable isotopes can still be created while the detector is manufactured on the surface: for this reason, a cooldown period will be required.
The cosmogenic background is the most important source of the background of the $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay search experiment. After being produced and transformed at the surface, there are several different cosmogenic radionuclides in the LMO crystals and shielding materials that will affect the background level of the $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay search experiment and dark matter search experiment.
We simulated the activation of these nuclides after a period of exposure to cosmic rays by Geant4, CRY as the cosmic rays input. Then also with Geant4, We simulated the last energy deposition in the detector to assess the level of the cosmogenic background in our experiment. Furthermore, we plan to measure the activation of cosmogenic radionuclides in the LMO crystal with HPGe detector at CJPL.
Neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) has significant physics implications, as it could provide evidence for the Majorana nature of neutrinos, which would have important consequences for our understanding of particle physics and the evolution of the universe. The nEXO (next Enriched Xenon Observatory) experiment will have internationally leading sensitivity in the study of 0νββ. The Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP) participates in the international cooperation of the nEXO experiment to conduct research on 0νββ. It is deeply involved in the research and development of the next-generation nEXO detector in many aspects, including the development of the charge readout system, the development of the photodetector system, research on ultra-low radioactivity background control, and the development of the silicon photomultiplier interposer. This report will combine the above aspects to introduce the nEXO experiment, as well as the main contributions of IHEP.
中微子是狄拉克粒子还是马约拉纳粒子,是当今中微子领域颇具争议的问题。无中微子双贝塔衰变实验将为研究中微子的这一性质积累重要数据。理论预言82Se可以发生无中微子双贝塔衰变,且具有较高的Q值(~3 MeV),是目前开展无中微子双贝塔衰变的理想介质。因此,我们拟采用高压SeF6气体作为工作介质,利用TPC对发生双贝塔衰变的事例进行探测。目前,我们已经完成了TPC样机、100 kg级高压气腔、气路和外屏蔽的设计及部分装置的加工与研制。
当前国内基于锦屏地下实验室的无中微子双贝塔衰变低温晶体量热器实验(CUPID-CJPL)正在积极展开技术预研。深冷低温温度传感器是低温量热器的关键部件之一,直接关系整个探测器装置的性能指标——灵敏度、能量分辨、探测器阈值等。其中,反应堆中子辐照核嬗变掺杂高纯锗半导体温度传感器NTD-Ge(Neutron Transmutation Doped Germanium)属于阻性温度传感器,在深冷低温下能够实现$\mu$K量级温度变化的精密测量,具有动态响应范围大、灵敏度高等特点。报告主要介绍NTD-Ge半导体温度传感器基本原理、反应堆中子辐照嬗变掺杂、微纳加工工艺、mK深冷低温测试等,汇报研制进展。
无中微子双贝塔衰变是粒子物理领域前沿问题,如果中微子为马约拉纳粒子,则在双贝塔衰变的过程中存在一定的几率使得原子核在双贝塔衰变时不释放中微子,若能证实这种现象的存在,也将证明轻子数不守恒,进而为解释宇宙中正反物质不对称提供依据。N$\nu$DEx实验(No neutrino Double-beta-decay Experiment )通过建造一个以$SeF_6$为工作气体、以Topmetal电荷收集芯片阵列为读出系统的TPC来观察无中微子双贝塔衰变,避免由雪崩放大导致的统计涨落对能量分辨率的影响。为了降低实验本底,N$\nu$DEx实验计划在中国的锦屏地下实验室进行。本文主要围绕信号的收集和读出在芯片级展开介绍。
Topmetal电荷传感器的工作原理是将芯片最顶层的部分金属块裸露出来,漂移到该金属块上的正或负电荷可直接被收集,经后续电路处理后读出。针对 N$\nu$DEx实验的低本底、低噪声的应用需求,为了进一步发挥Topmetal电极直接收集电荷的特色以及聚焦电极(Guardring)的电荷聚焦能力,提出了单电极的Topmetal电荷传感器Topmetal-S(S:Single-pixel)设计思路,即整个电荷传感器中仅有一个直径为1mm的电荷收集电极,并在Topmetal电极周围放上Guardring从而实现较大面积的直接收集。Topmetal-S传感器主要包含一个六边形电荷收集电极、电荷灵敏前置放大器(CSA)、模拟数字转换器(Sigma-Delta ADC)、为CSA提供偏置的数字模拟转换器(DAC)及用于通信的数字模块。现阶段测试表明,CSA的输入线性范围为0~6.25fC,电荷转换增益约为223mV/fC,经数字滤波后的等效噪声电荷(ENC)约为$110e^-$。考虑到时间投影室的端盖平面上安装Topmetal-S传感器数量多,若每一个传感器都通过连接线将数据发往时间投影室外的数据采集系统,则存在信号连接线多,前端读出电路板设计复杂的问题。为尽可能的减少连接线对实验本底的影响、保证时间投影室的密封性和可扩展性,Topmetal-S传感器采用传感器间组网传输方案,即通过在相邻传感器之间建立本地连接来形成一个自组织的网络。在该传感器网络中,每个传感器作为网络中的一个节点,不仅产生数据,还负责将自身产生的数据读出以及转发来自相邻节点的数据。该网络中的数据以包的形式传输读出平面边缘处,再由边缘处的节点输出到时间投影室外部。针对网络中出现故障的情形,通过向传感器读出网络行方向与列方向注入探测包来定位发生故障节点的X、Y 坐标信息,随后向读出网络中发送配置信息对故障节点周围的无故障节点进行配置以形成故障环,禁止数据包路由经过,确保数据路由无误,从而实现了自组织、分布式、可容错的读出网络方案。每一个Topmetal-S传感器都可以当作一个节点,它能够和相邻的4个传感器之间进行最高50Mbps速率的双向串行通信。组网模块同时也可以读出传感器内部的数字化数据,并实现对传感器的读写,以实现高密度Topmetal电荷传感器芯片阵列的读出与控制。N$\nu$DEx实验将会采用无触发模式,将前端传感器芯片阵列所有通道信号送往后端服务器进行处理及存储,供相关物理实验人员进行分析。
Singlino Dark Matter in General Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model
In light of the recent measurement of the nonzero Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization rotation angle from the Planck 2018 data, we explore the possibility that such a cosmic birefringence effect is induced by coupling a fermionic current with photons via a Chern-Simons-like term. We begin our discussion by rederiving the general formulae of the cosmic birefringence angle with correcting a mistake in the previous study. We then identify the fermions in the current as the left-handed electron neutrinos and asymmetric dark matter (ADM) particles, since the rotation angle is sourced by the number density difference between particles and antiparticles. For the electron neutrino case, with the value of the degeneracy parameter $\xi_{\nu_e}$ recently measured by the EMPRESS survey, we find a large parameter space which can explain the CMB photon polarization rotations. On the other hand, for the ADM solution, we consider two benchmark cases with $M_\chi = 5$ GeV and 5 keV. The former is the natural value of the ADM mass if the observed ADM and baryon asymmetry in the Universe are produced by the same mechanism, while the latter provides a warm DM candidate. In addition, we explore the experimental constraints from the CMB power spectra and the DM direct detections.
We propose a novel scenario for dark matter (DM) in which weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) can freeze-in due to a first-order phase transition (FOPT) in the early Universe. The FOPT dilutes the preexisting DM density to zero, and leads to a sudden change in DM mass that prevents WIMPs from re-equilibrating due to their large mass-to-temperature ratio. Following the FOPT, WIMPs are produced via a freeze-in process, even though their interactions are NOT feeble. We demonstrate this concept using a simplified model and then realize the scenario in a realistic model with a delayed electroweak phase transition. Our work extends the category of WIMP DM and opens up a new direction for the freeze-in mechanism.
The Galactic center gamma-ray excess (GCE) is a long-standing unsolved problem. One of candidate solutions, the dark matter (DM) annihilation, has been recently tested with other astrophysical observations, such as AMS-02 electron-positron spectra, Fermi Dwarf spheroidal galaxies gamma-ray data, and so on. By assuming that the DM particles annihilate purely into a normal charged fermion pair, Di Mauro and Winkle (2021) claimed that only a muon-pair is compatible with the null detection of all the corresponding astrophysical measurements and can explain GCE simultaneously. On the other hand, a muonphilic DM model may also lead to a signal in the recent Fermilab muon g−2 measurement or be constrained by the latest PandaX-4T limit. In this work, we comprehensively study interactions between DM and muon, including various combinations of DM and mediator spins. In agreement with GCE (not only 2μ but also 4μ final states), we test these interactions against all the thermal DM constraints. Our results show that only the parameter space near the resonance region of mediator can explain GCE and relic density simultaneously, and larger parameter spaces are still allowed if other poorly-known systematic uncertainties are included. Regardless of the DM spin, only the interactions with the spin-0 mediator can explain the recent muon g−2 excess on top of GCE, relic density, and other DM and mediator constraints.
Boosted dark matter is a popular scenario in DM direct detection. I will talk about the impact of quasi-elastic and deep inelastic scattering of boosted DM with the nucleus, and maybe also the prospects of searching for boosted DM by using plasmon effect (up to our progress).
PandaX experiment uses xenon as target to search for weak and rare physics signals, including dark matter and neutrinos. We are running a new generation detector with 4-ton xenon in the sensitive volume, PandaX-4T. The commissioning run data has pushed the constraints on WIMP-nucleon scattering cross section to a new level. In this talk, I will give an overview of PandaX-4T latest results on dark matter and neutrino physics, exploring the physics capability of xenon detector. I will also briefly discuss the future prospects of PandaX.
Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is an underground multi-purpose neutrino experiment, using a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector. JUNO has the capability to detect diffuse supernova neutrino background (DSNB) through the inverse-beta-decay (IBD) detection channel on free protons. We employ the latest information on the DSNB flux predictions and investigate in detail the background and its reduction techniques for the DSNB search at JUNO. The primary background is caused by the neutral-current (NC) interaction of atmospheric neutrinos with $^{12}$C nuclei, whose uncertainty is carefully evaluated from both the spread of model predictions and an envisaged $\it in$ $\it situ$ measurement. In addition, the background suppression techniques with the pulse shape discrimination (PSD) and triple coincidence (TC) cuts are carefully studied. With 3 years of data taking, JUNO can reach a 3$\sigma$ significance for a reference DSNB model and better than 5$\sigma$ after 10 years. Even in the pessimistic scenario of non-observation, JUNO would strongly improve the limits and exclude a significant region of the model parameter space. This talk will present the prospects of detecting the DSNB in JUNO.
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) aims to determine the neutrino mass ordering. To enhance its sensitivity, JUNO will combine the measurements of low energy reactor anti-neutrinos and atmospheric neutrinos in the GeV region. Directionality reconstruction and neutrino flavor identification are crucial for achieving precise measurements of atmospheric neutrino oscillations, but these topics have not yet been explored by any large liquid scintillator detectors. This talk will present the first demonstration of directionality reconstruction and the high-efficiency, high-purity particle identification for atmospheric neutrinos in such detectors like JUNO. Based on machine learning methods, our approach utilizes the topological properties of atmospheric neutrinos characterized by PMT waveform features and event-level information such as Michel electrons and captured neutrons. Preliminary results show that this approach has great potential for utilizing atmospheric neutrinos to unearth JUNO's capabilities.
宇宙元素起源问题是二十一世纪物理学未解之谜,其中涉及核物理、天文观测、陨石分析、宇宙元素演化及天体模型计算等多个学科。对该问题的研究也推动了诸如地面及空间大型望远镜、高精度质谱分析、高灵敏度地下实验测量以及理论模型计算等多方面的发展。经过半个多世纪的努力,我们认为宇宙中比铁重的元素约有一半来自慢中子俘获过程(s-过程),另外一半来自于快中子俘获过程(r-过程)。其它核合成过程,如i-过程、rp-过程、v-过程、vp-过程及p/g-过程等对解释某些特殊元素丰度也是必不可少的。在上述元素核合成模型中,仍存在来自核物理、天体模型及观测数据等多方面的不确定性,制约着我们对宇宙元素起源问题的进一步理解。在本工作中,我们主要关注s-过程及i-过程中主要中子源反应13C(a,n)16O的截面测量。该反应截面大小直接决定了s-和i-过程中子数密度并影响几乎所有的比铁重元素的产额,因此是s-和i-过程至关重要的输入参数。以往的实验测量中,受限于地面宇宙射线以及加速器束流强度、能量等方面的制约,对该反应截面的测量存在较大误差并存在分歧。我们利用锦屏深地核天体物理实验平台(JUNA)及四川大学串列加速器装置首次对该反应截面进行了宽能区范围(Ec.m.=0.24-1.9 MeV)的自洽测量。本测量工作解决了以往实验数据的分歧,覆盖了i-过程加莫夫窗口,并为外推至s-过程加莫夫窗口提供了迄今为止最精确的数据。
The JUNO (Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory) detector was designed to achieve 3% energy resolution at 1 MeV, which required the installation of 17,612 high quantum efficiency 20-inch photomultiplier tubes (LPMTs) closely packed underwater around the liquid scintillator target ball. Additionally, 25,600 3-inch PMTs (SPMTs) were designed to be installed in the gaps of LPMTs to make a double calorimetry system that would improve and extend JUNO physics, such as improving energy resolution, muon reconstruction, supernova neutrino detection, and so on. The 26,000 3-inch PMTs have been produced and waterproof sealed. In particular, 16 SPMTs with similar gain were grouped together during waterproofing and will be supplied with the same high voltage. The readout electronics will also operate underwater, contained in 200 stainless steel boxes and the PMTs are attached to the electronics through 1,600 waterproofing multi-channel connectors. More than 600 SPMTs and 10 electronics underwater boxes have been installed in the 700-m underground JUNO detector, and commissioning will start soon. This talk will introduce the design and performances of the 3-inch PMTs and electronics and the recent installation status.
JUNO(江门中微子实验)探测器的设计目标是达到3% @ 1MeV的能量分辨率,这需要17,612个高量子效率的20英寸光电倍增管(LPMTs)在水下紧密围绕液体闪烁体。此外,还有25,600个3英寸PMT(SPMT)安装在LPMT的空隙中,组成一个双量能器系统,以改进和扩展JUNO的物理目标,如提高能量分辨率、宇宙线μ介子重建、超新星中微子探测等。2.6万支3英寸PMT已经全部生产完成并进行了防水密封。每16支增益接近的PMT分为一组并利用同一路高压供电。读出电子学装配在200个水下不锈钢桶中。PMT和电子学通过1,600个防水插头连接。超过600支SPMT和10套电子学已经安装在地下700米的探测器上并即将开始联调。本报告将介绍SPMT系统设计和性能,并展示探测器最新安装进展。
Understanding the origin and nature of dark energy is one of the greatest challenges of modern science. In this work, we investigate dark energy on astrophysical scales and provide a cosmology-independent method to measure its equation-of-state parameter $w$. First we introduce the concept of a perfect fluid in any static, curved spacetime and reexpress the energy-momentum tensor of the fluid in a general isotropic form, by which the equation-of-state parameter can be defined in a physical and global way. Within this theoretical framework, the energy-momentum tensor of dark energy on different scales can take the general isotropic form. In addition, we explore the $\mbox{SdS}_w$ spacetime and establish its connection with dark energy in cosmology through the equation-of-state parameter. Locally a repulsive dark force can be induced by dark energy in the $\mbox{SdS}_w$ spacetime. Then we apply the concept of the dark force to realistic astrophysical systems via the Poisson equation. Finally, we find that an anomaly in the Milky Way rotation curve can be interpreted by the dark force, and by fitting the galactic rotation curve, we model-independently obtain the value of the equation-of-state parameter of dark energy.
We explore the potential of precision cosmological data to study non-minimal dark sectors by updating the cosmological constraint on the mirror twin Higgs model (MTH). The MTH model addresses the little Higgs hierarchy problem by introducing dark sector particles. In this work, we perform a Bayesian global analysis that includes the latest cosmic shear measurement from the DES three-year survey and the Planck CMB and BAO data. In the early Universe, the mirror baryon and mirror radiation behave as dark matter and dark radiation, and their presence modifies the Universe's expansion history. Additionally, the scattering between mirror baryon and photon generates the dark acoustic oscillation process, suppressing the matter power spectrum from the cosmic shear measurement. We demonstrate how current data constrain these corrections to the $\Lambda$CDM cosmology and find that the proportion of MTH dark matter cannot exceed about $30\%$ of the total dark matter density, unless the temperature of twin photon is less than $30\%$ of that of the standard model photon. While the MTH model is presently not a superior solution to the observed $H_0$ tension compared to the $\Lambda$CDM+$\Delta N_{\rm eff}$ model, we demonstrate that it has the potential to alleviate both the $H_0$ and $S_8$ tensions, especially if the $S_8$ tension persists in the future and approaches the result reported by the Planck~SZ~(2013) analysis. In this case, the MTH model can relax the tensions while satisfying the DES power spectrum constraint up to $k < 10~h\,\rm {Mpc}^{-1}$. If the MTH model is indeed accountable for the $S_8$ and $H_0$ tensions, we show that the future China Space Station Telescope (CSST) can determine the twin baryon abundance with a $10\%$ level precision.
Although searches for dark matter have lasted for decades, no convincing signal has been found without ambiguity in underground detections, cosmic ray observations, and collider experiments. We show by example that gravitational wave (GW) observations can be a supplement to dark matter detections if the production of dark matter follows a strong first-order cosmological phase transition. We explore this possibility in a complex singlet extension of the standard model with CP symmetry. We demonstrate three benchmarks in which the GW signals from the first-order phase transition are loud enough for future space-based GW observations, for example, BBO, U-DECIGO, LISA, Taiji, and TianQin. While satisfying the constraints from the XENON1T experiment and the Fermi-LAT gamma-ray observations, the dark matter candidate with its mass around ∼ 1 TeV in these scenarios has a correct relic abundance obtained by the Planck observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation.
基于CDEX-10在中国锦屏地下实验室中p型点电极阈值为160eVee高纯锗探测器205.4公斤天实验数据,给出了质量范围在1E15至7E16g原初黑洞(PBH)蒸发keV至MeV轻暗物质粒子(χ)的搜寻结果。在目前PBH限制丰度下,结果排除χ-核子弹性散射截面区域有:对于质量为5E15 g的PBH, 1 keV到24 MeV的χ对应3.4E-32到2.3E-29 cm2;对于质量为7E16 g的PBH, 1 keV到0.6 MeV的χ对应1.1E-28到7.6E-28 cm2。如果将来能够测定χ-核子弹性散射截面,那么PBH的丰度可能会受到χ蒸发的严格限制。